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Double-independent programming is not enough

Our team's dedication to first-time quality has shaped our work processes to ensure both speed and accuracy.

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balanced, transparent, translucent, biologic, microscopic, colloidial, ultra realisitic, f

The Right Result, Right Now

We measure our performance on the basis of speed and accuracy - we know it ultimately benefits the patients in the study. This ambition has shaped our approach and the selection of tools and processes we employ.

Our Team Leads

We like that two of our values, speed and quality, are in tension with each other. We always want to go fast, butt we won't turn in sloppy work. Sometimes speed is simply a mtter of being good at what you do, which we are. But other times, what's actually called for is to go back to the drawing board, rethink an entire process, and deliberately build a solution that does away with the busy work, so we can focus on what really matters. 



James Joseph

Principal Programmer

Barbara Donnini

Project Manager

Anna Yudovin

Computer Scientist

John DiBato, PhD


Sarvar Khamidov

Data Scientist


Clinical Programmer


Michael Shteyn, PhD


Monika Andraos, CQE


Nathan Brouwer, PhD


José Lacal

Synthethic Data




Simulated Clincal Trial Data



Project Management and Staffing



Code Quality​ and Traceability 

Dunamis Compliance


SOP Development

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